Last modified: Tue Jun 10 10:54:15 2003, see what's new.

My Favorite Places -- Fun Stuff

Appearance of a link on this page does not imply endorsement of any kind. The author of this page assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the links or the content of the corresponding web pages. The following list is provided for entertainment purposes only. If irritation results, please consult your doctor.

As you can see, there are now over 700 links on this page. I do not personally maintain these linked pages, nor do I have the time to make sure they all still exist. Should you encounter a dysfunctional link, please feel free to let me know but please also keep in mind that web sites often disappear as fast as they show up.

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Friends, Romans, Countrymen (in alphabetical order):

Humor and Entertainment:

Lynn Minmay

I am still looking for a decent page introducing Yumi Matsutoya, a Japanese female vocalist with over a dozen albums to her credit. With all the information out there on the net, you'd think someone would have put something up.

The stuff you thought I meant by Entertainment:

The picture that was here before has been moved to my Keywords used to attract web crawlers and annoy the CIA page. You know, the media says that the Internet is 93% smutty pictures. Well, if that's true, I certainly haven't been looking in the right places. However, I have managed over the years to find a few things that are "up my alley" (you have to see the picture to get the joke):

Looking for love in all the wrong places:

Food and Drink (including, of course, Beer):

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